
Ecosistema Impresa towards ecological transition with Garpez

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"Ecosistema Impresa stands alongside businesses in their journey towards ecological transition, positioning itself as a unique partner to rely on for embracing change effectively."

Garpez's goal is to support clients in transforming their businesses by following the market's success keys. This means actively listening, understanding, and often anticipating the needs and requirements of consumers through constant consultancy with the client.

Ecosistema Impresa is an ambitious project by Paytipper of Enel X, which involves creating a community of entrepreneurs and providing them with innovative tools and solutions to accelerate business growth.

Garpez has given life to the Ecosistema Impresa project by supporting its marketing and strategic decisions. After a year of working alongside our client, where we shared work phases and interventions to improve every single detail of the project (from optimizing the UX to identifying the appropriate tone of voice in a B2B perspective, from the effectiveness of advertising campaigns to identifying creatives for each identified buyer persona), we are pleased to have built a relationship of trust that is leading us towards ambitious goals.

Results: after the initial start-up phase, which in 2021 led to the creation of a community of over 4,000 entrepreneurs and over 10 million euros disbursed through the financial partners offered by Ecosistema Impresa, the challenge in 2022 will be to support SMEs in their journey towards ecological transformation, as required by the latest European and national regulations.

While the fully mobile-first digital platform continues to serve as a search engine for liquidity, sustainability, digitalization, and training services, we have revamped the content aspect of our organic and marketing communication. The goal is to make the visual content and tone of voice engaging and authoritative, positioning the brand as a beacon of entrepreneurial innovation, targeting medium to high-level entrepreneurs on a national scale.

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